Officers and Committees
President Kathleen Leighton
Vice President Russell Lake
Treasurer Sally Sondesky
Corresponding Secretary Renee Kitchenman
Recording Secretary Amy Konyves

2013-2014 COMMITTEES
Acquisitions Marguerite Satterfield
Auditors Tracy McCoy
Building & Grounds Bob Johnson
By-Laws Carol McCloskey, Sally Sondesky
Computer John Dignam, Russ Lake, Charles Satterfield
Genealogy Sally Sondesky, Vicki MacDougall, John McKeough
Historians Carol McCloskey, Sally Sondesky, RobHomolka
Merchandise Renee Kitchenman
Programs Kathy Leighton and members
Security Rick Shapiro
Ways & Means Carolyn Per, Carol McCloskey
Webmaster Laurie Van Sant